How did Nachshon, a 17 year old, who made Aliya from India without a father, who did not know Hebrew and was afraid to enlist become an “Outstanding Soldier” in the Armored Engineer Corps?
Nachshon was chosen to take part in this special project of Yeshivat Ma’alot,
which integrates new Olim of the Bnei Menashe with
students of Yeshivat Ma’alot and allows them to be drafted within the Yeshivat
Hesder framework.
The Bnei Menashe olim live together with the Yeshiva students,
who help them learn Hebrew and get acclimated into Israeli society.
Together with the Yeshiva students,
they are enlisted into the combat track in the IDF.
Since then,
nine more soldiers from the Yeshiva- army
project have been drafted to Givati and the Armored Engineer Corps.
As of now there are a total of 15 participants in the program.